Diren guztiak ez daude, eta dauden guztiak ez dira.
Ni son todos los que están, ni están todos los que son.
Not all-that-are are here and not all-here are.
Location | |
@TFCWaldo (Thomas Waldron) | Grimsby, England |
@hutnut94 (Louis Hutton) | Grimsby |
@louishutton2014 (Louis Hutton ) | Grimsby |
@Hutnut1994 (Louis Hutton) | Grimsby |
@Rzvan13 (Raz) | Grimsby, North East Lincolnshire, UK |
@EHodsondiniho14 (Ellis Hodson) | Grimsby, England |
@Gafrica10 (Gavin Schofield) | Grimsby, England |
@DartnallJack (Jack dartnall) | Grimsby, England |
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