Diren guztiak ez daude, eta dauden guztiak ez dira.
Ni son todos los que están, ni están todos los que son.
Not all-that-are are here and not all-here are.
Location | |
@mahmoud_stars (mahmoud hassan) | Alexandria |
@Rema_almoraly (Rema Almoraly) | alexandria |
@MarioYoussef (Mario Y. ヅ) | Alexandria |
@7amzaawy (Mostafa Hamza) | Alexandria |
@modyfarouk87 (mohammedfarouk) | alexandria |
@pola_magdy12 (pola magdy) | Alexandria |
@BesianShala (besian shala) | Alexandria, VA |
@Bibo_Hany (Bahaa) | Alexandria |
@TitoAhly (Hamada Tito) | Alexandria |
@deromania1 (Hadir Alhendawy) | Alexandria |
@AhmedAmrOn1 (أحمد) | Alexandria |
@Shadytarek_poka (Shady tarek) | Alexandria |
@mouradeldesoky (moury mourad) | alexandria |
@Mhmd9515 (Sala7) | Alexandria |
@walterperdomo4 (walter perdomo) | alexandria |
@manstotti1 (Mansour Magdy) | Alexandria |
@naderdodoo (naderdodoo) | alexandria |
@gamalabdelnas (Gamal Abdelnasser) | Alexandria |
@Habaza21 (Habaza) | alexandria |
@Ibrahimaliezz (ibrahimali) | alexandria |
@Mohamed4400 (Mohamed Hassan) | alexandria |
@ahmedzsc112 (Император Внук Замалека™) | #Alexndria |
@fahoma2 (fahoma) | alexandria |
@_YumnaAdel (YUMNA.) | Alexandria |
@74ahmedhassan (ahmed hassan) | alexandria |
@basantraafat (basant raafat) | alexandria |
@A7medSh3baan (Ahmed Shabaan) | Alexandria |
@OutPica (بيكاتا) | Alexandria |
@mohamedmourad5 (mohamed Mourad) | Alexandria |
@Mayarchawky (Mayar chawky) | Alexandria |
@apltero (Edwin Platero) | alexandria |
@eprahemzika (HemaElmsre) | alexandria |
@irati2005 (?HordaHater #WantYouBackVideo) | Alexandria |
@Usama7119 (Usama Abd El Monaem) | Alexandria |
@hmmnnoo5555 (mohamed hassan) | Alexandria |
@3e5536575084488 (Mohamed saied) | alexandria |
@Jasonlozano23 (Jason Lozano) | Alexandria, VA |
@JavierG81072 (Javier Galindo) | Alexandria, VA |
@AbdallaSharph (Abdalla Sharph) | Alexandria |
@KaboreaAhmed (Ahmed Kaborea) | Alexandria |
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