Diren guztiak ez daude, eta dauden guztiak ez dira.
Ni son todos los que están, ni están todos los que son.
Not all-that-are are here and not all-here are.
Location | |
@gu_summit (OiLcooLer) | Old Trafford,Manchester |
@mgibrann11 (Muammar) | The Theatre of Dreams |
@Chorbo8 (Iago) | Teatro de los sueños |
@Vanreganov (Vanregan) | Old Trafford |
@CP_1997 (Rheza C) | Old Trafford |
@TegarSajalah (Tegar herdiansyah) | Manchester - Old Traford |
@RVPFansES (Fans Van Persie Esp) | Old Trafford |
@ManuelOtero13 (Manuel Otero) | El Teatro de los Sueños |
@FritzDevil (Christhoper RedDeviL) | Old Trafford,Manchester United |
@Azleenazli (AIRUL AZLEEN.) | Old Trafford, Manchester |
@Ardhikasusanto (dhike) | Stretford end. |
@TeamShaw_ID (Luke Shaw) | Old Trafford, Manchester |
@Cristian_Yojcom (ANDRE) | Old Trafford |
@raihan_ferriel6 (Raihan Ferriel 6) | Old trafford/theater of dream |
@Meil_98 (Meil Somalinggi) | Old Trafford, Manchester |
@harry_berry121 (The United Way) | Old trafford |
@i7mantsh (مانشستراوي صريح) | أولد ترافورد |
@mhmmdfachrulrv (mhmmdfachrulr) | Manchester-old trafford |
@DavidDegea_rp (#1) | Old Trafford |
@Fasairfano9 (Fasa irfano) | Old Trafford |
@davidimmanuel88 (david immanuel) | Old trafford |
@DeGeaOfficial1 (David De Gea) | Old Trafford |
@SportNews24th (Sport Planet) | Santiago Bernabeu Old Trafford |
@Khrisna_Alzura (Khrisna Alzura S.) | Old Trafford |
@riomh74 (4nDr1_Sw11p) | Old Traffard |
@yosoyVVG (VVG) | Old Trafford |
@LFobal (El DT) | Old Trafford |
@miguel_rosariop (Miguel) | Old trafford |
@kpmosch (Prolific Martial?????) | Old Trafford |
@imparcialesfut (futbol imparcial) | El teatro de los sueños |
@red__devil21 (.) | Old Trafford |
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